Alternative Construction Education – Volunteer’s Charter

Alternative Construction Education, commits to the principles of good practice in this Charter and aspires to incorporate them into our volunteering practice

Equality and Diversity – Volunteering is open to all and volunteers are treated with fairness

Induction – Volunteers are introduced to the work and ethos of the organisation

Personal development – Identified needs are met by relevant training and development opportunities

Resolving difficulties – Volunteers are aware of how to raise a concern, and how it will be handled

Safe environment  – The physical and emotional risks of volunteering are identified, minimised, and covered by adequate insurance

Expenses – Travel, and any other agreed, out of pocket expenses are reimbursed

Organisational involvement – Volunteers have influence and an informed voice on organisational issues

Recruitment process – Recruitment procedures are fair, efficient and consistent

Reward and Recognition – The organisation expresses its appreciation of the volunteers’ contribution

Support – A named supervisor ensures ongoing support appropriate to need

Let us help you accomplish your career goals!

Let us help you accomplish your career goals!

ACE Training


Coburn House (formerly Agralon House),
Chichester Street,
OL16 2AU

0170 665 5535